Sometimes, when I'm feeling grouchy

Sometimes when I'm tired or grouchy or feeling spry and wanting to dash off on a trip or broke and feed costs seem high. . .or sick. . .or sad

I wonder how in the world I became trapped in this world of dairy goats and cows. . .

Milking. . .and milking. . .and cleaning buckets and strainers and udders. . .and bottles

And straining milk, pouring it into bottles for goats, pans for chickens and dogs and cats and kids. . .(ok. . .I do not pour it into pans for kids, you get the picture). . .

and then sometimes when I'm tired, grouchy or sick or anything else. . .

I go milk my goats and cow and plop my head over on the cow and listen to the milk in the pail and remember this is how I know where our food comes from, how I control ONE major area in our lives. . .how I GET BUTTER, and I recall my last name is "Creamer". . .after all
