What an Awkward day to be an American

What an awkward day to be a gal who has lived quite exceptionally privileged . . .
And who has also been a 19 year old mother and a college student alone with a little boy in the poorest area in the USA. . .
To be one who has been a vegetarian for 20 years and worked in animal rescue but still love people. . .
What a time to care about the unborn and the just born and those born for many years. . .
And still care about women and children being safe from sexual abuse by men because I've suffered through both so many times. . .
To want to protect the environment we live in, too. . .
To care about keeping America safe for our people, but to also understand why people flee to come here, even illegally.
What a day to love freedom but wonder if we are mostly too lazy and silly to actually ever deserve or use it.
What a day to believe in giving to those who have a need but not to those with a want.
What a time to love Jesus and believe all he said but find all his loudest proclaimers (in voice, not deed) devoid of the thing he demanded most from us. . .
Such a time as this. . .
